Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Future Gamer

Kaden has a new favorite toy. In the last few days he has been playing Jeremy's Xbox 360. He has played it a few times in the past...but now he has the concept of controlling the figure on TV. His favorite games are Kung Fu Panda and Lego Indiana Jones. Here are some pictures of how serious gaming is in our house...

He moves the controller side to side when he wants to go left or right. That is what I used to do when I was younger. It just cracks me up! Doesn't he look so serious?

I got promoted!

Today started off being a typical Wednesday. Kaden didn't have school due to all the snow, so him and I were just hanging out and playing. I also did a lot of cleaning. This afternoon I took Kaden to get his hair cut. When I got home I put Kaden down for his nap and I noticed that there was a message on the answering machine. I listened to it and it was my boss calling and asking me to call her back. My heart started racing because I was wondering why she was calling me when she knows that I don't work Wednesdays. I returned her call and she was asking me how things are going. (For all of you that don't know...I work from home.) I told her that this last year was my best year and I feel like I am doing a great job. She told me that she agrees and that she wants to promote me. I couldn't believe it! I will be doing the same thing that I am now...but I will have added responsibilities and added pay!!!

Hope everyone is having a great Wednesday like I am! :o)

Thursday, January 15, 2009

What a Bummer!

So I called the doctor yesterday because I am having my second period in a month. I was given the okay to try and get pregnant one month after the miscarriage...which would be right now. I heard back from my doctor today and I was told that I cannot get pregnant this month or next. I am really upset by this news. I am so ready to be pregnant. It is so hard waiting when I am so ready, but obviously my body is not. It also bothers me that by the time I would have another child, Kaden will be almost five years old. At least he should be a really good big brother. I know that I will get over this...but it is so hard right now. I am just glad that tomorrow is Friday.

Hope you all have a great weekend!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Snow Day

Today Jeremy and I took Kaden sledding. We have only gone one other time, and that was last year. We had such a good time! I thought that we wouldn't be there that long since it is tiring walking up the hill all the time...but Kaden was a trooper. Here are some pictures from our fun day...

This is right before he fell off the sled.

This is right after he fell off and he got up and said, "That was awesome!"

Mommy and Kaden

Daddy and Kaden

Here we are right before we came home.

Hope you all had a great weekend!

Christmas Party

So on Tuesday Kaden had his Christmas Party in his preschool class. I went to it as usual. I just love doing stuff like this...and I think that his teacher is glad that I come too. I usually take pictures of all the kids and then make her a disc so that she has all the pictures as well. Kaden was all decked out with some black corduroy pants and a cute plaid shirt. Doesn't he look like a such a little man?

Here is Kaden with his presents that he got from his teachers.

Here they are playing Musical Chairs.