Thursday, March 31, 2011

Kinley - 10 months

I can't possibly believe that Kinley is already 10 months. Below is the one good picture that we could get of her with her 10 month sticker on. She is so mobile these days. All she wants to do is pull herself up onto things and walk. She could care less about crawling. She also loves waving at people. It is so cute! As soon as someone walks in the room she will stick her arm out and start waving. Here she is right after the picture above. She instantly twisted herself around and pulled herself up. She is one strong cookie!
And here is what happened when I sat her back down to try to get another photo. Obviously there were no other pics after this. She was done with this photo shoot.
Happy 10 months, baby girl!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Recent pics

Here are some recent pictures of the kids. These were all taken within the last two weeks. Here is Kaden after his haircut sporting some blue hair gel. He is such a little stud...even with the blue hair.
Kinley standing at the front door. This is
something new for her since it is finally
getting nice outside.
Bentley having fun playing on the
playground at Kaden's school
Kaden is such a little monkey. He loves
the monkey bars
Kinley had to try them too
This girl cracks me up! She just let
the sunglasses sit there like it was
no big deal. She looks so serious!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Kaden and Kinley - 9 months

Here is Kinley at 9 months...
and here is Kaden.

Don't they look a lot alike? Kaden was obviously bigger, but I see a lot of the same features. I just love these two kids!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Kinley - 9 months

On Wednesday I took Kinley for her 9 month well check. She is such a little peanut. After having Kaden I never thought that I would ever have a small baby. Kinley has certainly proved me wrong. Here are her stats...
Height: 27 3/4 inches
Weight: 18 lbs.
Just to show a comparison, here are Kaden's stats at 9 months...
Height: 29 3/4 inches
Weight: 23 lbs. 9 ozs.
I cannot believe that Kaden was 2 inches taller and over 5 pounds heavier.
Kinley loves to walk when holding onto your fingers. She is waving and will get on all fours, but hasn't crawled yet. If she is anything like Kaden, she will skip crawling and go straight to walking. She still has no teeth. The doctor said that she is doing very well. She is saying "baba," "mama," and "dada." She even knows who mama, dada, Kaden and Bentley are. She is such a smart girl.