Wednesday, December 16, 2009

15 weeks

So here I am at 15 weeks. I cannot believe that my belly is so big already. I guess that I shouldn't be surprised since my belly was enormous with Kaden. I was just really hoping that I wouldn't get so big this time...but it isn't looking like I am gonna be that lucky. Oh well. I can deal with it.

I had a doctor's appointment today and the heartbeat was strong! The baby was moving all around too. That just made my day hearing that. I have gained 4 pounds since November 6...and I am sure to be gaining much more with Christmas right around the corner! I am still feeling really good. I just wish that we could move into our house. The house is just sitting there waiting for us to move in. We are waiting on a closing date. I am still hoping that it will be before Christmas...but if it isn't, I really hope that we are in it before the new year.

Hope everyone is having a great week!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

13 weeks!!!

What a great day! Not only did I make it to 13 weeks, but I also got my Christmas bonus from work and I found out that I don't need to do Lovenox injections until after I have the baby. All in all it was a fabulous day! I know that posts with no pictures are boring...but I haven't downloaded any lately from the camera. I do need to start taking belly shots because I am definitely getting a belly.

I have been feeling pretty good lately. I am still pretty tired...but that's okay. My favorite moment this week was Kaden talking to my belly saying, "I love you, baby." It just melted my heart! He is getting so excited to have a brother or sister. I just love it!

Have a great week! :o)