Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas X 6

So...I have been slacking on this blogging thing. I am so sorry. We literally had six different Christmas get togethers. It was so nice getting to see everyone. That is the one thing I do love about Christmas...getting to spend quality time at everyone's house since almost all of them were on different days. Kaden got everything he wanted and then some. Here are some pictures from all of our family get togethers...

Hope you all had a very merry Christmas! We sure did!

Thursday, December 18, 2008


So I had my check-up today with my OB. I was expecting her to tell me that something was wrong with me. If you know me, you know that I always expect the worst. To my surprise everything was just fine. Hopefully that means that I won't have another miscarrige ever again. I can only hope. So hopefully in the next few months I will be pregnant again. I will keep you all posted.

Hope you all have a great weekend!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Picture Tag

Okay, so I saw this on one of the blogs that I absolutely love to read so I thought that I would participate.

The object of the picture tag is to:

1) Choose the 4th folder where you store your pictures on your computer

2) Select the 4th picture in the folder

3) Explain the picture

4) Tag 4 people to do the same

NO CHEATING! (cropping, editing, etc!)

Here is mine!

Here is Kaden playing soccer in May at his first game. I can't remember if he was cheering his team on or if he was just proud of himself. Who knows? I can't really tag anyone for this since I really don't have anyone that I know that is on here. I just thought that it would be fun to see what I had in the fourth folder and the fourth picture. Hope everyone has a great week!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

The Lights at the Zoo

Last night Jeremy and I took Kaden to the zoo. It was pretty chilly, but it wasn't that crowded so that was nice. Although, when we were leaving it was much busier than when we got there. Here are some pics of our evening...

Tonight Jeremy and I are going out on a date to finish our Christmas shopping. Him and I haven't been out together in a long time so we are both looking so forward to it. Hope you all are having a great weekend!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Busy Weekend

So as you know...Friday was busy with the miscarriage and all. Then on Saturday morning it was Christmas in our town with a parade and craft show. We took Kaden to see Santa there. Then he did a craft. After this Kaden had a birthday party to go to at a bowling alley. He has never been bowling so he really enjoyed it. He did pretty good too! Today my Mom had a Christmas Open House so we were there all day. I am kind of glad that we had so much going on this weekend so that I couldn't dwell on the miscarriage. Having supportive family and friends makes a time like this much easier.
Hope you all had a great weekend!

Friday, December 5, 2008

What a Day...

So my day did not go like I wanted it to. I was supposed to go into the OB for my Pap...but I started bleeding and cramping this morning. Obviously I was miscarrying. I have never had cramps like this. Once I got to the OB they did an internal ultrasound and discovered the tissue was right at the opening of my cervix, but my OB could not get it out. So our next visit was to the hospital to have a D and C. They got me right in and got it over with. I was so scared to have a D and C...but I am so glad that I chose to do it. I feel so much better now (as far as the cramps go)...just a little sad. Of course I am not happy about the miscarriage...but obviously something wasn't right. So hopefully when the time is right we will try again for another bundle of joy.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

O Christmas Tree

So the weekend after Thanksgiving we always get our tree. Nothing changed with that this year. We got our tree Friday night and put it up on Saturday. I was just going to put the lights on it Saturday and do the ornaments on Sunday...but Kaden was waiting so patiently to put the ornaments on that I couldn't tell him no. So here are some pics of our Christmas tree. As you can see, Kaden took it very seriously. All of the ornaments that he put on are on the very bottom branches.

Once I got the camera out to take these pictures Bentley was just looking at me like he wanted his picture taken here it is. He is just so darn cute!