So instead of buying a house we have decided to build one! We are very excited to say the least...and the best part is that we will be in it before Christmas!!! I have been telling Jeremy that I wanted to have our next house by Christmas and we really will. I can't tell you how excited I am to have a dishwasher and a mantle to hang stockings on! Jeremy and I haven't ever had a dishwasher. I had one growing up, but our apartment or our house did not have one. It is the little things that I get excited about. Our new neighborhood has lots of kids and our house is on the last street in the subdivision so there shouldn't be much traffic. We are back in the corner on an outside lot which means that we won't have any neighbors behind us. There is just a big field. We are meeting with the builder tonight to get some questions answered. Today is only day 3 and here is the progress so far...
Day 1
Excavator dug out basement

Kaden "surfing" down the slope

Having fun on the dirt mounds

He climbed all the way to the top of this mound

Day 2
Pouring footers

Day 3
Putting up forms for basement walls

This afternoon the guys were supposed to pour the cement into the forms. I just can't believe how much has happened in three days. I sure hope that they keep making this much progress in the days to come. Hope everyone is having a great week! :o)
How exciting! Good luck!