Fetal Development:
I'm Swimming! The baby has begun moving inside the womb although it's too small for mom to notice. Most of the joints are formed now - elbow, wrist, knee, shoulder, and ankle as well as the hands, fingers, feet and toes.
Maternal Changes:
The morning sickness may start to ease a bit. This week, we'll blame moodiness and a blotchy complexion on those wild hormones. Have heart ~ this is only temporary.
Your blood volume will increase 40%-50% during pregnancy. As a result, you may start to notice your veins more, particularly in your tummy, breasts, and legs.
I am still feeling very good. I don't feel pregnant yet...so I can't wait until I can feel the little peanut moving around. I haven't gained any weight either. My clothes, however, are feeling a bit tight. My Lovenox shots are going pretty well, other than my stomach is pretty bruised. I see that 6 people have voted. Thank you so much! I see that the majority thinks that we are going to have a boy. Kaden thinks so too. I am hoping that we can find out the sex at our January ultrasound. I go December 19 for my next ultrasound. I can't wait! Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving! I know that we did.
1 week ago